Are you living with chronic shoulder pain? There are many things that could be causing your shoulder pain. Ultimately, it is important to work with a medical professional for a proper diagnosis of your shoulder pain. Understanding these various causes can help you to identify the next step to take regarding the treatment of your shoulder pain. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, you may want to visit our team at Ogden Chiropractic for superior treatment. Here are a few of the most common things that may be causing your shoulder pain.
Your Rotator Cuff
Many of the problems that cause shoulder pain are a result of issues with the rotator cuff. The shoulder is comprised of a group of 4 different muscles and various connecting tendons that are called the rotator cuff. This rotator cuff helps to facilitate movement in the shoulder and gives you a wider range of motion. When there are problems with the rotator cuff, you will likely experience shoulder pain.
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis
Rotator cuff tendinitis is one of the common causes of shoulder pain. This occurs when tendons that are present in the rotator cuff become trapped beneath the bony area of the shoulder. This leads to the tendons in the rotator cuff becoming damaged or inflamed.
Arthritis is another common cause of shoulder pain. Arthritis tends to target the various joints in the body, which can cause you to feel pain in the shoulder area. If you are unsure what is causing your shoulder pain, it may be the result of arthritis.
The bursa is a fluid-filled sac that is present in the shoulder area. It serves to protect the joint, as well as facilitate movement of the shoulder. When this bursa becomes inflamed, it becomes a condition that is known as bursitis. Bursitis is another common cause of shoulder pain.
Broken Shoulder Bone
Though this may seem obvious, a broken shoulder bone will easily cause pain in the shoulder region. When you have broken or even fractured a bone, you will likely experience a significant amount of pain. Visiting a healthcare professional is essential in ensuring that your shoulder heals properly.
Dislocated shoulders can be incredibly painful. When your shoulder becomes dislocated, it will be important to ensure that it is returned to its proper location. This will help to reduce the pain and enable your shoulder to heal.
Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder is a term that is used to describe a condition when the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the shoulder become stiff. This stiffness tends to make movement particularly difficult and painful. While resting the shoulder may be able to resolve this problem, working with an expert will help you to decide the right steps to take to reduce your shoulder pain.
Overuse can cause damage to the muscles in the shoulder area. This may involve exercising too vigorously, lifting objects that are too heavy, or moving the shoulder muscles in a way they aren’t intended to be moved. Exercising with proper form and listening to your body can help to prevent overuse from becoming an issue.
Poor Posture
Your posture has a huge impact on the health of your back and the joints of your body. If you are regularly implementing poor posture, it is common to develop various issues that cause pain in the shoulders.
How to Treat Shoulder Pain
When you are experiencing shoulder pain, it is important to visit a chiropractor. The services of a chiropractor can help to diagnose the underlying issue, as well as take the steps to resolve the problem. You may also want to try icing the area to help minimize swelling and discomfort. Rest is important to allow your body to heal. The use of an anti-inflammatory medication like Ibuprofen or Tylenol can help to reduce swelling and inflammation.
Shoulder pain can be incredibly difficult to live with. When you work with our experts at Ogden Chiropractic, you can be confident that you will receive the superior services to enable your shoulder injuries to heal. For more information about what may be causing your shoulder pain, as well as how to minimize this pain, contact us at Ogden Chiropractic today!
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