Back Pain Treatment & Therapy
Pain in your back can be successfully treated and prevented with proper chiropractic care. At Ogden Chiropractic, we use complete chiropractic services and techniques to help alleviate and treat the pain or discomfort in your upper and lower back. Pain in your back can originate from a variety of different causes including sports injury, work injury, natural aging, and arthritis. Regardless of the cause of the pain in your back, our Ogden chiropractors can help you find lasting relief. As part of our complete back pain treatments, we focus on preventing further back injury.
At-Home Tips to Prevent Back Pains:
- Remain active while maintaining a healthy diet and weight
- Use proper posture
- Practice proper lifting techniques
- Quit smoking
- Get adequate sleep on a semi-firm mattress
In addition to these at-home tips, routine chiropractic adjustment and maintenance can prevent serious back injury. Dr. Phelps and Dr. Kocour at Ogden Chiropractic can help you relieve current pains in your back, and maintain your spine health.
For more information about back pain treatment & therapies in Ogden, or to schedule an appointment with us, please call Ogden Chiropractic today at (801) 337-1657.