Headache Treatment & Therapy
Headaches are often caused by poor posture, as well as neck and back injuries. Proper chiropractic adjustment and techniques can be used to help relieve most headaches pain and discomfort. Ogden Chiropractic treats many patients suffering from headaches with continued success. Headaches are often a manifestation of other existing conditions such as poor posture, dehydration, irritated connective tissue, and other various chiropractic conditions. Ogden Chiropractic treats the underlying condition or problem of the headaches as well as the immediate headache symptoms.
At-home exercises, nutrition, and healthy exercise habits can contribute to long-term headache relief as well. Dr. Phelps and Dr. Kocour may provide you with nutritional advice, relaxation techniques, and work postures in addition to in-office spinal adjustments to keep your spine and muscles healthy and ready for the physical stresses of daily life. Ogden Chiropractic’s Doctors of Chiropractic have undergone years of specialized training and boards to properly manipulate your spine and other areas to relieve headache pain and help you return to normal functions.
For more information about how chiropractic headache treatments can help with headache relief, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with us in Ogden, please call Ogden Chiropractic today at (801) 337-1657.